Moravian Hall Square Named Showcase Community by Sodexo
Moravian Hall Square has been named a Showcase Community by Sodexo. The Sodexo Showcase Community designation represents the best partnerships that incorporate shared values and commitment to improve quality of life for the people served every day.
Moravian Hall Square has had a relationship with Sodexo that spans almost 3 decades and together they are focused on elevating the experiences of residents who live at Moravian Hall Square. This Showcase Community designation is determined through a complex assessment of the value and services provided.
“We are extremely proud to be named a Showcase Community by Sodexo”, said Susan Cooper Drabic, President & CEO of Morningstar Senior Living which owns and operates Moravian Hall Square. “This designation recognizes the joint commitment of Morningstar and Sodexo for providing what people really want – dining experiences that are enjoyable AND memorable because of excellent service and food that looks appealing and tastes really good! Residents, employees, volunteers, and our visitors ALL benefit from the camaraderie that results when we enjoy delicious food together”.
Sodexo’s Quality of Life vision refers to the general well-being of people. There are many factors that impact Quality of Life, including: Health and wellness, Community well-being, Environment, Job satisfaction and Socio-economic status.
“Moravian Hall Square knows how to deliver the value of Sodexo’s resources to the people who live there. As a showcase community, the Moravian Hall Square team is dedicated to using the best of our programs, systems and tools,” said Joe Cuticelli, CEO of Seniors North America for Sodexo.
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